10 Powerful Promises to Me, Myself and I:
1. To respect myself, my heart and my knowing at all times
2. To choose happiness (that one I decided a long time ago - more on that another time)
3. To listen to my body and my energy and not force it to do things it's not really up for
4. To look after that body of mine as best I can, by moving and stretching regularly, getting professional support to keep it happy and mobile, feeding it good, healthy, unprocessed food and not smothering it, our home or our planet with too many cleverly marketed unnecessary potions...
5. ... without restricting what I eat or subjecting it to punishing regimes to try and force it to look the way the world has tried to tell me it should (aka letting it be the awesome feat of nature it already is - and accepting that's who I'm meant to be. That one took some time but we're finally there! 😅).
6. To respect time and its fleeting nature by making the most of it - TRULY making the most of it. Avoiding spending it on 'shoulds', 'haves' and fear-driven doing - and enjoying every precious moment with the people I love and care for (including spending it on me and the things I love!)
7. To always walk in the sunshine when I have the choice (unless it's silly hot!), jump in the lake or the sea when I can, and climb those mountains that look so high and so hard... because I'm lucky enough to be able to do all of these things and they always make my soul happy
8. To give myself credit for what I have achieved, rather than admonishment for what I haven't, and be the gentle mentor and cheerleader in my own life
9. To have compassion for myself and for others - not necessarily to forgive or excuse, but to understand people are where they are, that they'll learn their own lessons in time, and to let go of any attachment to negative feelings that really only serve to hurt me
10. To allow myself to just be me, doing my best, always. To forget the filters, lead with my truth in the most respectful way I can - and not try to demand that I become some sort of superhuman model of 'perfection' to please others who don't agree or accept me for who I am
Phew 😅 - quite the list.
(It seems today has become very much Philosophical Friday… and I think I like it).
These are all things I try to live by, these days - and yes, some are more of a work in progress than others!
Deciding to choose happiness was the first - number 7 was pretty much there from the beginning, too - but the rest are things that have only become possible (or even available to me as options!), as I've learned how to let go of the deep emotional wounds I used to carry.
Number 5 is probably the most recent - real, deep, physical self-acceptance - and that's come about through doing some powerful work on identity (how I see myself and allow myself to be).
🖋️✨ Which are you working on?
🖋️✨ Which do you NEED to bring in?
🖋️✨ And are there any you'd add to the list? 💛
(P.S. if you're feeling inspired by this post, grab life by the b*lls and go garden-sledging, like me and my bruv. Life’s too short - why not?!)